La Colombe serves up in DC for the first time

La Colombe manager Greg Smith can't wait, any longer than the his customers, for La Colombe to open in its new location in Shaw's Blagden Alley. Saturday's Shaw Open House gave Greg the opportunity to preview La Colombe to the Shaw neighborhood residents and visitors. How? the building is still in progress! Well the truck had arrived in DC and it was ready to go. The response was "out-of-the-ballpark" after an hour or so of being open, the expectations for the day had already been passed, and people were still coming in a steady stream.
Smiles all round as the 'early birds' discover La Colombe
Espresso, Latte, Cappuccino? Its all free
RJ Cooper chef and owner of Rogue 24 started the day in the truck mixing up a 'new' coffee soda, and Rogue staff mixed up a 'punch' for most of the afternoon.
Chef RJ Cooper created a "Coffee Soda" for the Shaw Open House
Hmmm its already past closing and the folks keep coming
Manager Greg Smith doesn't mind though - the days celebration ended 30 minutes ago, and Greg is still meeting and greeting
The La Colombe location in Blagden Alley is hoping to open in 4 to 6 weeks, based on the excitement generated at Saturday's Shaw Open House, neither Greg nor his "new found" customers can wait.

Greg tells me that the La Colombe Truck will be participating in DC's Nuit Blanche 2013 (Art All Night) on September 28th/29th (begins at 7pm until 3am) I will let you know the trucks location as soon as it is set.


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