Kugler Cycles - Classic Bicycles, Made in DC. An Opportunity For You

OK!!!  Crowd Sourcing, a Local Business and DC's love of all things Bicycle - What?????   Leti Kugler,wife of BicycleSPACE co-owner Erik Kugler, has told me that BicycleSPACE has started a venture that everyone in DC can be a part of.....crowd sourcing a Bicycle Manufacturing Facility in Washington DC
So now you know what the target is....here's how you participate......go to Kugler Cycles IndieGoGo page and check out where to contribute, buy the promotional materials or invest a chunk, if you like the bikes that you see at the site, order one, they are custom built for you (they need pre-order's for 20 bikes to help convince the finance folks) and there is no doubt that DC will soon be producing its own 'world class bikes'. Here are some of the promo items you can purchase (you should get at least one anyway - because they are cool)
Drop by BicycleSPACE on 7th Street NW, show your support, even if your not in the market for a bike, and let the folks there know that you support them in this endeavor. Then just go to the IndieGoGo page and get a T-shirt or one of the other items and help promote a new business in DC..


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