Quick Shots #1: Removing Glass From Old NPR Building

 UPDATE 5/16/2013: Photographs & Content

Removing Glass Windows - Mass Ave NW

 Quick Shots is a new feature for the site, where there is little or no content, but something of interest we will now issue a Quick Shot.

Quick Shot #1 is of the Old NPR building on Massachusetts Ave NW, between 6th and 7th Street. Windows are now being removed prior to demolition of the structure
Removing Glass Windows - K Street NW
The old NPR Building is going through its demolition. Hardly a week since I posted that the windows were being removed, the building, on the K Street NW side between 6th and 7th is being demolished.
There is now major construction work going on, on both side of the 600 block of K Street. ( The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) new headquarters at 655 K Street NW is rising as NPR falls) I guess its better to get it out of the way in one go, than drag it on.
K Street NW. So Quick...Down it comes
Demolition on the way at the old NPR Building
An orderly demolition and removal of debris
