80-Unit Condo Project at 11th and M Street NW. Will Start Soon

Update: Content: October 30th.

According to Michael Neibauer in the Washington Business Journal, 
" Grant Epstein, Community Three president, told me he will be in the ground within a week, with delivery expected in 16 months."
So the project is on the move.......of course we will be following this through completion
Community Three Development  Latest Rendering of 1011 M St NW
Original Post

Its been a while coming, but word is that work could begin very soon on the new 80-unit condo project at the corner of 11th and M Streets NW. Badwolfdc has been told that Community Three Developmentā€™s project could start as early as next month (November)
The construction will wrap-around the historic building on the corner of 11th and M Street's NW
The plot of land where the project will be located (Parking Lot & Zip Car) is now closed. The plan calls for the laundromat; to remain, Community Three Development will be constructing their project on the parking lot to the north and east of the corner and wrapping around the existing historic corner building.
View from 11th Street NW
According to earlier plans there will be a retail element which will be located on the 11th Street side, while the M Street facade will house the Condo Lobby. The finished structure, inspired by the rowhouses and classical apartment buildings that fill the neighborhood was designed by architects Torti Gallas .
Rendering Courtesy of Torti Gallas
My source tells me that the Building Permit application could be approved this month. Community Three has already been through the ANC and HPRB process.
