Quick Shots #6: MLK Jr Library Kicks Off "Summer Read" with Street Festival

June 1st: There was a Street Festival going on outside the MLK Jr. Memorial Library. DC Public Library's "Summer Read" program got off to a lively start. The Summer Read program encourages reading and has four age-specific themes, so, sign up and get involved its fun.
I had missed the kick off festival on my calendar, so I was surprised  when I was walking down 10th Street NW and heard the music. I walked over and got some pretty fun shots of the activities - glad I made it.
Yup! this was my meeter-greeter
and of course there was disagreement as to who should meet and greet me!!!!
So I ended up with this chap??
All ages were there, and they all seemed to be having fun
even if the fun was a little exasperating at times
But the music was fun with a definite International feel
A wonderful event put on by DCPL/MLK Jr. Memorial Library, and introducing a program that I am sure many DC residents will enjoy and benefit from. BRAVO DCPL

Update 6/9/2013: Just added a few photo's, as the Summer Read program gets into full swing;
MLK Jr. Memorial Library set up and promotion for Summer Read
Summer Read choices for Kids, Teens and Adults on display
Kid's can right into reading at all levels
 Quick Shots is a new feature for the site, where there is little or no content, but something of interest we will now issue a Quick Shot


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