WASHINGTON DC: 'My Girlfriend's House' Provides Apartment Renovations to 'New Endeavors by Women'

I have written about, the Shaw based, New Endeavors by Women before. Below is the latest, new, project in conjunction with My Girlfriends House - that shows that despite the City finances, crime and the increases in homeless families there are a lot more people in DC that care than many may think. These folk are on the front-line fighting the results of an economy that are felt by the less fortunate. Supporting these groups and other grass-roots organizations should be a year round effort (not just at tax time) I know that they all appreciate volunteer time and, for those unable, financial support....so read on and think about what you can do.

On Saturday, September 5, 2015, My Girlfriend's House will renovate permanent supported housing apartments run by New Endeavors by Women (NEW) for homeless women and children in Washington,DC. The “grand reveal” will beheld 3:30pm that afternoon at 300 56thSt.,NE, Washington,DC 20019.

With the number of families in DC's homeless population increasing each year, housing programs are finding it harder to secure the funds needed to provide adequate housing and support. My Girlfriend's House addresses this issue semi-­annually by bringing their Shelter Room Makeover Party to facilities that house women and their children in the DC Metropolitan area.

In their largest makeover project to date, My Girlfriend’s House will bring 120 volunteers to NEW's family housing program, 'New Horizons'. The organization will renovate the apartments with new furniture, fresh paint jobs and re-­decorated children’s rooms for the 17 families and 45 children currently in residence.
Work on this project will begin as early as September 3rd, with volunteers arriving to dispose of large furniture. By the end of the project, My Girlfriend’s House will repaint, decorate and transform the apartments into more welcoming, livable space for the residents.
Volunteers will also put in special effort to make the facility and an adjoining backyard more child-­friendly and better landscaped. Veronica Eyenga, Executive Director and Founder of My Girlfriend’s House,is excited to show the children and parents how much fun and more comfortable their new homes will be. “Our goal with this makeover party is to transform each of the apartments to look and feel like child’s haven with bright colors, toys and pictures of inspiration.”
“It’s really all about the kids, ”says NEW’s Executive Director Wanda Steptoe. “What great opportunity it is to provide the children with an atmosphere that stimulates their creativity.”


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