Lost and Found Hosts Chao Ku Pop-Up and The Crowds Showed Up

If the number of people (at any one time) that visited Chao Ku at Lost and Found, this weekend, is any indication of the future, the new Chinese Restaurant will be a 'ripping' success. I got to Lost and Found close to 4pm on Saturday and it was hard to move around for people....and as they left, more arrived.

Both Bars filled up. Truly remarkable.
Chao Ku Family Friendly day at Lost and Found
The sample plate's from the Chao Ku (coming) menu were excellent, and gained fans for the restaurant, if the people I spoke with were truthful and not just caught up in a lively event - I think they were.
John Fielding told me that they are looking at a late Spring opening, so we won't have long to wait.
I will be following Chao Ku closely over the coming months

Chao Ku is/will be located at 1414 9th Street NW
