SHAW: 59 Unit Condo at 9th and O Streets passes ANC heads to HPRB (Renderings)

Rendering: View from North (West Side) 9th Street
 A first look at the renderings were available as The Warrenton Group and Four Points presented the details of the project for 59-unit residential units with 6,000 square feet of retail at 810 O Street NW to ANC6E on last Tuesday evening. The ANC approved the design and concept for the proposal, next up the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) who have the project on the docket for April 23 and April 30, 2015. Currently home to Scripture Cathedral Church, the developer has requested a raze permit, which will be heard concurrently.
Rendering: View from Northwest Corner 9th and O Street
The developer will also have to go through the PUD process to resolve issues of parking (the developer did state that they plan to offer 1 parking space per unit)
The Warrenton Group were one of the (losing) bidders for the adjacent property at 8th & O Streets and have seemed to shrug of that result and go forward with the project. The 8th & O Street project is on hold, per Mayor Muriel Bowser, and could still be re-bid. (City Market at O  firm Roadside Development won the bid with a 70 Unit multi-use project.)
Rendering: View from O Street looking East
 Badwolfdc will be following the permitting process and then the construction....check back here


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