SHAW: SB-Urban' Micro-Apartment Project Get's Green Light from HPRB

Last Thursday the Historic Preservation and Review Board (HPRB) approved a modification to the bridge that spans Blagden Alley, between the two buildings that make up SB-Urban' 121 unit apartment building in the South-East corner of Blagden Alley. HPRB had previously approved the actual structures (there are two buildings facing 9th Street NW and M Street NW) but were concerned that the glass bridge that connects the two structures was overwhelming for the historic alley. SB-Urban' architects at Hickok Cole, paired down the bridge height and closed-in design and presented a more minimalistic alternative, that for the most part met the requirements set by HPRB. After a short debate the HPRB voted in favor of the new design.
Here are a couple of new renderings of the vision for the project;
Rendering by Hickok Cole  This view shows the newly designed bridge (facing North)
Rendering by Hickok Cole   Night view looking West from 9th Street side of the project
Although no start date for construction has been announced, I expect that a Summer/Late Summer time period looks likely. As there is no below grade excavation required (the project is 'car-free') expectations are for an 18 month build-out.


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