Baby Wale set to Open in June

Update 6/5/2013: Photographs

The sign is up. Despite the aggressive illegal postering of Rocket Boy - Tom Powers and co have found a way to stymy the posters efforts with a new front and a clever tactic, Branches, Corks and Tops and Plates.

Front View, Branches and the Big Announce

Side View, Places and Utensils

Side View, Bottle Caps and Corks
With such creativity it makes you crave Baby Wale even more.

Comment: the poster stickers that invade neighborhoods with posters no one wants to see anyway are the old-school spammers. Like with their digital cousins, anything that can block them is due congratulations.

Update 6/5/2013
Today was the first day that I have seen the front (doors) of Baby Wale open. As I have been refused access by the builders (well within their rights but awfully frustrating ) for the past month, I took the opportunity to click off some shots of the interior (see below). I have to say that from what I could see, it looks very much as though the space will look just like its renderings, from last November. What seems a little uncertain is if Baby Wale will meet its June opening target, its possible, and looking at the job-site a late June, early July opening looks reasonable. As a local resident, this is very exciting and certainly something worth the wait.
A New Floor, cement poured today, reached to the entrance, lower level bar (left)

Just like the renderings, the 2nd floor lounge is nearing completion
Work continues, but will a June 2013 opening happen?
Today, 6/6/2013, the work started on the front facade, the wooden wall has been extended sideways, and both doors, where I took the photo's yesterday (above), are now part of the open space where the frontage will be.The interior shot below was taken blind :) but clearly shows that the front will have a bay window. Its good to see the restaurant finally reach the street (9th). However it looks the improvement to the streetscape will be considerable.
Frontage extended, and a small covering overhead
Blind Shot: Inside the work has begun, the outline of the bay window can be seen already roughed out
Both access's at the front are gone. I'm guessing this side will be the new door


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