Updated 1/9/2013 - added photographs
Its difficult to have a definitive opinion on the latest stable under the cosh of development in Naylor Court. On one hand the structure had reached a point where it was not only an eyesore, but also looked dangerously close to disintegrating. On the other hand, this is a structure, a stable, that represents the history of the alley's in Shaw and DC, and needs to be protected.
North Wall - gone |
1322 9th Street NW has been on a see-saw of on-again/off-again development plans for the past three years. The landowners have finally come to an agreement with the DCRA/HPO and ANC on the preservation.
They have a "permit" to take down the failed north wall and the eastern half of the building with the failed roof. Both the north wall and eastern half are not original parts of the building. They will be preserving and restoring the western half of the structure which is the original 19th century stable.
View from 9th Street NW |
Their permit states:
"The existing one story carriage house on the alley side of the lot is unstable, with the north wall falling away from the structure. The north wall will be demolished, along with the extension that was added to the original structure. New brick walls will be constructed on the north and east sides along the original footprint, and a new slab on grade will replace the original. The doors will be replaced and the envelope will be flashed and made weather tight. The modification work applied for is not intended to create a habitable structure, but rather to stabilize the structure so as not to be condemned by the City. No utility work is included, but will be a part of planned future development of the site."
The permit also has the following condition added by HPO:
"Exterior alterations restricted to drawings stamped approved by HPO. West section of building to be preserved, as per drawings, including roof rafters."
The landowners started the demolition on New Years eve, as seen in the above photo's
Status of demo on 1/9/2013 - from 9th Street |
Status of Demo 1/9/2013 - from Naylor Court |
To the residents of Shaw; The historic grand houses, the stables and their surrounding infrastructure are what make the Shaw neighborhood. Architects are smart folk, they can figure out how to incorporate these old structures into there plans, and developers are not all devils out to destroy history - speak up and save DC's past.
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