The excitement being generated for the DC style "rodeo drive" at City Center is definitely with merit, but for those that live at the Apartments/Condo's and for those that live and work in area surrounding the campus, there is much more to be happy about. Safe and well planned areas to sit and walk, water features and the space that will offer opportunities for neighborhood events (see
Tune Up Tuesday's) all create an urban oasis. If you just pass by, or you haven't had time to visit City Center, check uot the photographs below....
Wide Open, Park at City Center, offers a cool water featured spot to sit and ponder |
Wonderfully shaped falls and fountains fills the air with the sound of water as you sit below the trees |
Tune Up Tuesday's in the Park at City Center |
View of H Street NW entrance. The inner courtyard, Plaza at City Center, features a elongated water feature..hopefully out-side cafe's will surround the courtyard |
View towards Eye Street NW entrance to the Plaza at City Center, and the rear of the planned Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak
House (center picture) |
And of course it all changes at night a a splash of color |
Please note: the 2 Night photographs are the property of the (unknown) photographer. No intent is implied that these are taken by or owned by Badwolfdc, attribution is missing from the public domain.
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