Exterior signage is up |
I had the opportunity to visit and chat with John Fielding of Chao Ku on 9th Street NW, in Shaw yesterday. Good news for thos waiting for the opening, the framing is complete and next up is the inspection. John tells me that once that is completed it will only take a week or so to get the drywall up. The team are working on their App, for take out - which sounds unique - and will enable a fast and smooth experience for their clients. John is looking at an early December opening. I have seen the menu and all I can say is I just can't wait.........
Here are some (plywood) photographs of the space and the rear decking;
Frontage is well on the way to completion |
Rear lower floor kitchen, venting almost done |
Up to second floor restaurant |
Second floor - front - restaurant with bar (in place) |
Rear Restaurant - leads to deck |
Rear deck is pretty much done, but will be last part to open |
More to come from John and Badwolfdc on the progress next month...
Chao Ku is located at 1414 9th Street NW (between O & P Street's)
My thanks to John Fielding and his team for allowing me to interrupt their meeting (till next time)
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