U STREET: Manhattan Laundry Gets Its Cool On

Mural viewed from Florida Ave
The Manhattan Laundry Complex at 14th & Florida Avenue NW, is getting close to opening with full occupancy, really soon. The 2 main tenants, La Colombe Coffee, and WeWork, are in their final build-out stage and are probably a little more than a week away from opening. The Douglas  Development site has not changed the original exteriors, so its super industrial look is still in place.
Mural viewed toward Florida Ave
If you are a reader of the Badwolfdc Blog, you know we love street art, so it was a huge blast to see that the alley between the 2 structures, which still retains the original walkway, has its own mural,  a homage to th DC Music scene of the 80's, and incorporating an ad for WeWork
The alley, with sky-walk, between the 2 buildings
Without attribution I am hoping that someone, maybe at WeWork, who it looks like, commissioned the art work - if anyone knows, will please let me know, the artist deserves kudos's

 Manhattan Laundry Complex is located at 1346 Florida Ave NW


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