WASHINGTON DC: Launch of First Online Hub for DC Urban Agriculture and Food Access

The DC Urban Gardeners (DUG) Network, a local organization that supports urban agriculture, food access, and environmental sustainability in DC, has announced the launch of its new website, dugnetwork.org.

The website features a searchable database and map of over 500 related local organizations, farms and gardens, businesses, and programs. There is also a monthly community events calendar showcasing hundreds of free events and programs available to DC-metro area residents. Visitors can also explore a broad collection of well-curated resources, including how-to guides and videos; materials for educators; property research tools; food access and recovery programs; grant opportunities; volunteer and job opportunities in DC; and much more. Check out our page of Free Services and Materials for Gardeners.

“DC has so many amazing organizations,” said Josh Singer, Community Garden Specialist with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as a co-founder and board member with the DUG Network. “Too many people don’t know they exist. I started a newsletter to address that, but it became clear very early that we needed a bigger platform.”
DC boasts 70 community gardens, one garden per square mile, along with hundreds of area businesses, organizations, and programs. DUG Network is the first group in DC to catalogue such a broad collection of resources, all on one website.
“In the past 10 years sustainable agriculture has taken off in the District; our website is the most comprehensive resource for anyone interested in plugging into the DC scene,” said Tara Geiger, co-founder and Executive Director of the DUG Network.
“It’s the site we all wanted. We each have a story about why we need this resource, so we decided to build it,” remarked volunteer and DUG Content Director, Ryan Lavery.
It took over a year and a half to catalog all of the information and develop the website. “All of the work was contributed freely by volunteers,” commented Geiger. “It’s a testament to both the need and enthusiasm that DC residents have for this type of resource. The volunteers who worked on this initiative are passionate and engaged, but many are also experts. That really comes through in the quality of our online content.”

Founded in 2015, the DUG Network connects residents to local resources in DC to create a positive, lasting community and movement for urban agriculture, food access and environmental sustainability. DUG is a non-profit cooperative, grounded in the District and made up entirely of volunteers who donate their time and resources.


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